Case Study

Building High-Quality Data Collection Agents in Near Real-Time

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Our client is a company that specializes in collecting highly targeted dynamic data by monitoring the web in real-time.

The Problem

Our client needed to collect highly targeted dynamic data by monitoring the web in real-time. The existing data collection process was not efficient and resulted in inaccurate data, which affected the insights provided to their customers. Our client faced a challenge of building a process that would collect high-quality data with high accuracy at scale.

The Solution

To solve this problem, we developed a process that combined technology-based solutions with service agents to collect data with high accuracy. The process involved building hundreds of thousands of software agents that would monitor the web in real-time and collect high-quality data. The software agents were designed to extract data from multiple sources and in different formats, ensuring that the data collected was accurate and reliable.

The Outcome


The new process implemented by LSC proved to be highly effective, enabling the company to build hundreds and thousands of software agents to collect high-quality data. The accuracy and timeliness of the data provided by our client improved significantly, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and a boost in the number of its clients using the company's services. The new process also allowed our client to expand its data collection capabilities to cover more industries and areas, making it a go-to source for dynamic data insights. Overall, the process implemented by our client helped the company to add business value, improve customer satisfaction, and stay ahead of its competitors in the dynamic data collection space.